Thursday, June 18, 2009

This Patriot's Blog Layout tips

I have recently found that many patriots do not know how to properly layout their blog. This post should help all potential professional bloggers learn the basics for a good layout for their blog.
  1. Make sure your content on the blog is consistent.
  2. Have a proper title (one that sums up your post & catches attention).
  3. Keep it short (very few readers want to read through a novel in one post), 250-500 words are generally good enough.
  4. Break up your text. Blocks of text are just plain boring, there is a reason that the masses like picture books & graphic novels more than a dictionary.
See how this image to the left breaks up the text ;)

I like to keep my posts interactive (ie put links in them). This image was found doing a Google search for Pic. It was the first one that came up.

Keeping your blog posts easy & quick to read often helps readers come back for more often.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Creating Adsense Code & Placing it in your blog.

Many readers emailed requesting help with using Adsense on their blogs. As a Patriot in your home attempting to bring value into your life (and being able to pass that value onto others in your community), you will want to use Adsense to allow Google to determine the best ads to put into your blog for visitors to benefit from. You can sign up for Adsense by clicking the link below.For this lesson we will be doing an AdSense affiliate advertisement in a blogger blog (there is plenty of source material on how to sign up for these programs & how to determine which will be the best one for you to place on your blogs).
  1. Login to
  2. Click the AdSense Setup Tab

  3. In this Get Ads section, you will have a choice of multiple types of ads. You can use any of them you choose, but for this lesson you will be using AdSense for Content

  4. Now select Ad unit & click Continue

  5. Now you will choose the Format (size) & color scheme for the ads. Choose the colors you would like, scroll to the bottom of the screen & click Continue.
  6. The Channels will not apply to most bloggers in the beginning, click the Continue button. If you want to learn more you can here
  7. You can choose an AdSense unit name (or a name for the ad template you just created). Choose one that will remind you of the colors & size then click Submit and Get Code.
  8. Now highlight & copy all of the text in the box (this will be pasted into your blog).

There are 2 ways to use adsense in your blog. One is to put it directly into the blog. Open your blog & create a new blog post. Then you will click the Edit Html tab & paste the code into your blog. (This is a technical & hard way to do this, I would only do it if I were going to use Content in a blog such as a Youtube video). The easiest way is to simply place it in the side of your blog posts as a widget.
  1. Now go to & login. Then you will choose the blog you want to place the Adsense into. To do this you will want to click Layout on the blog topic you want to add the AdSense to.
  2. Next click the link Add a Gadget (if you are using the general template this will be on the right side of the screen).

  3. Scroll through the list until you see AdSense and click the Plus Button
  4. You can choose the format (or size) & colors (the easiest is to blend the template). Scroll to the bottom of this window & click Save.
  5. This will automatically setup an AdSense ad on your blog.
  6. Now click the View Blog link to see the Affiliate Link on your Blog!
Remember that this only places an affiliate link on your Blog, you will still need to market your blog to drive traffic to it. If you don't market the blog, you will not have visitors who can click the links on the side of your blog. Go ahead and click the links on the side of this blogif you like what you see in the affiliate links!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Patriot is an Affiliate! (How to place Affiliate Ads)

A true patriot will always affiliate themselves with causes they feel are relevant to the growth of themselves and others.

In this post we will discuss how to find affiliate programs (it will only cost your time) & how to link them from your blog. First you must have your blog set up (click "blog set up" to see what Google has to say on the matter). Next you will want to choose an affiliate program to use (there are many, but these are the most popular). For this lesson we will be doing a affiliate advertisement in a blogger blog (there is plenty of source material on how to sign up for these programs & how to determine which will be the best one for you to place on your blogs).
  1. Login to & click the widget button:
  2. This will open the widgets window, read their 3 steps. You will be able to watch a useful instructional video on the process of adding widgets to your blog. If you wish to skip this video, you will scroll down and choose a category. If you have a ClickBank account (in a similar niche), you will want to click to check box that allow you to display both ClickBank & ads.

    Again you should have already done your niche market research for the affiliate programs so you know what you want to market with this blog.
  3. Now scroll down and select the template you would like.
  4. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will want to highlight the code in the text box, then copy it (you can do this by pressing Ctrl+C or by right clicking the highlighted text and selecting copy).

  5. Now go to & login. Then you will choose the blog you want to place the widget into. To do this you will want to click View Blog on the blog topic you want to add the widget to.
  6. Next click the Customize link in the upper right corner of the window.

  7. Next click the link Add a Gadget (if you are using the general template this will be on the right side of the screen).

  8. Scroll through the list until you see HTML/JavaScript and click the Plus Button

  9. Now you will use a title that will remind you of what this is & you will paste the code you copied from into the add text box. Then click the SAVE button.
  10. Now click the View Blog link to see the Affiliate Link on your Blog!
Remember that this only places an affiliate link on your Blog, you will still need to market your blog to drive traffic to it. If you don't market the blog, you will not have visitors who can click the links on the side of your blog. Go ahead and click the links on the side of this blogif you like what you see in the affiliate links!

A True Patriot Takes care of their own security

I don't know when it happened that citizens of the United States decided that their security should be given into the hands of other men, but everything in history shows me that we are free because our founder, & the soldiers after them, decided to fight for their own rights & security of property, hope, religion, & mind. None of these were ever the same for any man (and in some instances women), but every one of them fought for their right to secure their own pursuit of happiness, property, & thoughts. This includes their right to forging their own financial path, when this is turned into the hands of other men, you do place all of your eggs in one basket. If you have banked on Social Security, it is you own fault that you did not read history to find that this will always fail. If you placed all of your eggs into the company retirement funds, only to find them going under, you must not have read the many examples of children who squander their parent's fortunes. If you invested all of your money into stocks, having not studied the best times to buy & sell, you alone are to blame for your decision to damn your own finances.

Now is your time to learn how internet techniques can be applied to ancient principles that every great nation was founded upon. As well just as Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will you find fortune in 24 hours (no matter what many of my great mentors have said on the subject). Your mind must understand the ancient principles of self governance in your own financial life before you will be free. Then you can work on making $80,000+ in 24 hours online. But until you build yourself, you will never so much make even on cent!

This blog is dedicated to those patriots who are committed to learning how to build themselves in small steps so they can take on the great tides that turn the Global economy.

Of course we will continue to build on other ideas of patriotism, though know that you must be financially stable if you wish to change yourself, your family, your neighborhood, your state, and your nation (in that order). Return to us frequently and recommend that your friends visit as well to change back the minds of this country to individual freedom, one at a time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Statue of Responsibility

This is what my country needs at this time. My country is a country of hope, growth, ambition, charity, and love. My country is one of Liberty and Responsibility. It is the responsibility of every individual person to take responsibility, and in so doing control of their life. When doing this we end the self determined slavery across all those who cry there isn't enough. Why doesn't God save me! Why cannot I be the person who I have always dreamed?

I suggest you are the person you have dreamed of being for at least the last year of your life. You have not taken the liberty to be responsible for your actions and the blessings you have to live in this nation with a great abundance of opportunity for those willing to seize it. We all fall my fellows, the question is not if you will get back up, but how long will you stay down in your own self pitty?

Let us all rise up and take back the great blessings which our forefathers, meaning every generation before us, have given to us.

More specifically: I shall rise up and take back the great blessings which my forefathers, and all great people of every generation of the United States of America, have given to me. I shall build every fellow with whom I meet, to teach them to love the liberty they have and to take responsibility for their actions each day. Through my actions I will be a beacon of light for all to follow until they can shine brighter than even I dreamed I could!

I invite all persons of the world to unite in the cause for freedom and liberty! It is rare that leaders do not wish for their people to rise up into great levels. And when the people do rise up, governments will not hold them back.

When is now the time for greatness? (now)
Who are none to refuse this call? (none of you)
Who are all to join this cause for true freedom in the world of hope. (all of us)

My fellows of this Earth, for I cannot simply request this of only my American (including Mexico and Canada and every other nation south of the equator in this hemisphere) family. We must remember that it is only through our own responsibility and love for individual liberty that we may take up greatness again!

I encourage all of you to step up to the plate and swing at the ball, I invite you all to crouch down and engage in the scrum, I implore you all to take the last second shot from behind the half court line!

For let us all remember that we are only in the first half of our game at any given time. How will we look back on our lives if we chose to stand idly by as the chance for greatness and prosperity for all passes us by!

Are large companies in league with governments creating fascist policies? Of course, but we only have ourselves to blame for not taking up the mantle of responsibility upon ourselves and demanding as a people more liberty for individuals. I do not think these companies as terrible corporations, they were looking after the self interest of their own. We forgot as a people to invest in our own and fight back when we do not obtain what we desire.

I encourage all of us, myself especially, to take up the titles of responsibility and liberty. There was once a great ancient people on the American continents who carried their Title of Liberty into their own battles. I would suggest that every individual take up this title into their own heart, mind, and soul:

In memory of our God
Our religion and freedom and our peace
Our wives and our children.
This is why we fight!

Every day is a fight for our freedom of liberty my fellows, in our own minds, hearts, and souls. It wears on each man physically until they choose to fight back or die.

I suggest this title of Responsibility:
In memory of our Creator,
Our prosperity, abundance and of our charity,
Our fellows, our ambition, our hope, and our freedom,
Our Spouses and our future generations.
This is why we act!

Please leave your thoughts on this issue.